Spotted, Florida and short-nosed gars are smaller than the other species and may be more suitable for aquariums. They usually don't grow larger than 2 feet in aquariums. Long-nosed and alligator gars grow to a very large size and larger ponds are recommended if you'd like to keep fully grown specimens. So if you don't have (or plan on getting) a large pond, stay with the smaller species. Even with the smaller species you are still going to need a rather large aquarium. The tropical gar also is possible to keep in aquariums as it doesn't grow as large; however this species is very hard to find. The Cuban gar is a red-list endangered species and shouldn't be kept even if you somehow find one.
In aquariums gars are quite demanding and require a lot of space and clean water. I recommend you to use as big a tank as you can for your gar, and I wouldn't recommend keeping gars in an aquarium smaller than 200 Gallon/720 L. And that should be considered a minimum; a 400 gallon/1400 L tank is preferable.
The tank should be decorated in accordance with gar behaviour. Gars are ambush predators, and as such they appreciate hiding places from where they can stalk their prey. This is however not essential. They are very friendly towards fish that are too big to be eaten. In the wild gars often live in loose schools and if you have the space you may successfully keep several gars together, in fact I would recommend this.
Gars can be kept with most fishes that are too big to be considered food and not too aggressive. However, gars should never live with plecos. Plecos sometimes suck on gars and cause infections, and since gars are very sensitive to most medicines these infections may be very hard to treat.
Regarding water, the most important thing is keeping the water clean and well circulated. Gars accept most pH or hardness levels. Temperature can range from 60 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (16 - 30 degrees Celsius). Gars breathe air and should be left with a few inches of space at the top of the tank to allow them to breathe atmospheric air.

The Golden Vise Award is presented each year to the top Fly Tyer in the state. Unlike other awards, this is a people's choice award. That is, people go to a poll taking web site and pick the tyer that they think is the best. The person making the submission needs to fill in the person's first and last name, the person's phone number (more about this later), the city where the person lives, the pattern that the person making the submission feels is the best one that the fly tyer does, and where the submitter learned about the Montana Golden Vise Award.
Those are the five questions and it takes about a minute to complete the poll.
The guy over at Montana Fly Fishing Tips will tally up the results and the winner will be contacted by phone to notify them that they have won the award. The other purpose of the call is to set up a conference call with the winner. The conference call will be open to the public and people can call in and listen to the call as the interviewer finds out about the winner, patterns they like to do best, which ones they find most difficult, how long they have been tying flies, what is the one tool they could not live without, etc. The conference call will take about 60 minutes. The call will be made available on an MP3 file at the completion of the call and will be online.
The winner of the Golden Vise Award will receive a certificate letting everyone who sees the award know that they are the First Place winner of the 2006 Montana Golden Vise Award for Montana. There will be three 2nd place winners who will also receive certificates. The poll will be live for two months, until June 30th. The final four tyers will be announced and another poll will be taken to decide who of the final four is the winner. The winner will be announced on September 1st.
fishing river. Trout and the rivers go hand in hand with me and nothing is more refreshing and spirit of restoring rather than standing in a stream of moving from small to medium river fishing for fish is beautiful.
Although many anglers try to catch rainbow trout in the lake that has been "filled" by their local conservation agencies, catch stocked in the lake has never really looked like a trout fishing to me. Of course, catch rainbow trout in a lake that has been filled clear "fishing", but to me is a hobby of trout fishing
species of fish for more than twenty years and in that time have learned a few tips on fishing the river is very effective to use when trying to catch rainbow trout in this way. Many people think that when you talk about the rainbow trout and river fish automatically mean that you are also talking about fly fishing, but nothing could be further from the truth. Spinning trout fishing in the river as well and all the tips outlined in this article is for people who love to fish in the river for rainbow trout when using a fishing rod in the river rapids tradisional.memancing very exciting ikanya there is a wide variety of big some small.

Capoeta Tetrazona Tiger species, which originated from Sumatra and Kalimantan. Their size is about 2 inches when fully grown. It is colored fish with reddish yellow body with a variety of black lines. Attitudes are changing which is the reason that the fish are most diverse in the marketplace. Some people argue that this fish bully other fish, biting their fins, while others feel that they have a calm disposition.

Sumatran Tiger fish and share the same water conditions as other barbs needs. The Sumatra and Tiger Barbs grow in water alkalinity siding or practical, as well as in the rushing water. Fish owners are advised to set the temperature at 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Tiger and Sumatra fish will crave and eat all the food heartily.
Male Sumatran tiger and the fish sleek and colorful while the female species are plump. The women are modest and breed like other barbs. Fry, however prone to bladder problems and tend to rot in the fins. The water then must be very clean and should be monitored very carefully during the breed, as the seeds of the Sumatran Tiger fish and gnawing.

Capoeta Titteya fish or Cherry barbs, which is about 2 inches in length. Fish have red-brown or yellow-brown and remarkable by their top-down dark black lines. This is a communal fish and needs the same water and food conditions as other thorns. Capoeta male counterparts Titteya is dark colors and color changes when breeding. They are usually red and black cherries, with lines that are almost identical.

Arowana tank or arowana aquarium is an important ingredient in the life of your arowana fish. So, you want to make sure that your tank or aquarium is appropriate for your fish.
Below are 3 tips on arowana care by having the right aquarium for your fish.
1. Tank size
Make sure that your tank is suitable for different size of arowana. A 200 gallon or 750 liter aquarium is a recommended minimum size, but it can go smaller if your arowana fish is small.
2. Tank cover
Yes, this is important because arowanas can jump up to 2 meters or over 6 feet. It means these adult arowana fish are strong and you want to have a strong cover to prevent them from jumping out of your arowana tank.
3. Tank water temperature
a. Since arowanas are tropical fish, you want to keep them comfortable in their tropical habitat. You can do this by maintaining the water temperature between 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Buy a digital tank thermometer to measure the temperature. This will help you keep track of your tank water temperature all the time.
b. Arowana tank water is preferably maintained at pH of 6.0 to 7.0. Check your tank water regularly to maintain the health of your arowana fish. Your fish can be susceptible to diseases or become weak if they don't live the water with sauitable pH level.
c. You are also advised to change about 10 to 20 percent of water when the arowana aquarium needs to have new water. Your arowana fish might go into shock if you replace more water than advised and this could be fatal to your arowana fish.
These tips are just guides. I would recommend you learn more about your arowana fish by referring to arowana experts. One way to do it is buy a few books about caring for arowana fish yourself. I'm sure this will add more knowledge on how you keep your arowana fish healthy.

It is advisable that you should learn the way of living of this interesting pet before you think of breeding them. Discus fish is not a type of fish where by you can keep about 20 groups in a place, the best groups should not exceed two or at most three. Breeding Discus is very exciting and joyful if you abide by the little rules and regulations. There are some certain things you need to know before breeding Discus. You should do a little bit of water science, that is the water should neither be too hot nor too cold. The best water for Discus is warm water.

Another problem some people encounter in breeding Discus fish is how to know if they have got Discus pairs, but for the professionals, it is a very simple situation. All you simply have to do is to take a good look at them, the two pairs in the tank or aquarium will start to defend a parameter, this is the time for you to take action and separate then into different tank or aquarium.
One major thing you also need to get right is the kind of food to feed the Discus fish with. The basic things to enhance a successful breeding is just water and food.
The aim of a successful Discus fish breeder is to own a colorful and best shaped fish in their aquarium or pool tanks, but not everybody will achieve this aim as many breeder are not taking the right procedure to breeding a happy Discus. This is just a piece of an ice bag. You can refer to my blog to further enlighten yourself about Discus fish breeding.