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Capoeta Tetrazona Tiger species, which originated from Sumatra and Kalimantan. Their size is about 2 inches when fully grown. It is colored fish with reddish yellow body with a variety of black lines. Attitudes are changing which is the reason that the fish are most diverse in the marketplace. Some people argue that this fish bully other fish, biting their fins, while others feel that they have a calm disposition.
Sumatran Tiger fish and share the same water conditions as other barbs needs. The Sumatra and Tiger Barbs grow in water alkalinity siding or practical, as well as in the rushing water. Fish owners are advised to set the temperature at 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Tiger and Sumatra fish will crave and eat all the food heartily.
Male Sumatran tiger and the fish sleek and colorful while the female species are plump. The women are modest and breed like other barbs. Fry, however prone to bladder problems and tend to rot in the fins. The water then must be very clean and should be monitored very carefully during the breed, as the seeds of the Sumatran Tiger fish and gnawing.
Capoeta Titteya fish or Cherry barbs, which is about 2 inches in length. Fish have red-brown or yellow-brown and remarkable by their top-down dark black lines. This is a communal fish and needs the same water and food conditions as other thorns. Capoeta male counterparts Titteya is dark colors and color changes when breeding. They are usually red and black cherries, with lines that are almost identical.

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